22 July 2014

Chaos & Stories

I write first and foremost because I love to write. It gives me some direction, it’s enjoyable, and it helps make sense of chaos. 

On one hand, I bring chaos upon myself with a willingness to dive head-first into the unknown and the uncertain. As those reading probably know, I also have an unusual proclivity towards mishap and misadventure. I often find myself in unchartered waters, where my iPhone can’t give me the answers and a guidebook has yet to be written. It keeps things entertaining, but geez louise, if you only knew how many “it’ll be funny later” moments I’ve had... 

On the other hand, a little craziness and confusion is going to happen anywhere you go, perhaps especially in that tumultuous and option-filled time of the early 20’s.

I also write because we all have stories to share. By that, I partially mean my own, but I also mean that of my fellow Coasties and the, er, unique population of where I’m living in Rockland, Maine. Each individual has a story worth hearing, or at least some new way of looking at things. Stats and logic take us only so far; without some pull, inspiration, or connection, action rarely gets taken. I’m a lousy story-teller without a pen, so this is the best way for me to relay those.

As for this blog, there’s no UVa-grad/ Coastie females out there that I know. Usually, when you “google” something about military females, articles and blogs for military spouses pop-up. If I can offer even some guidance and relation to a few female military sea-goers that follow, I’ll be content.

Finally, I have a small group of family members and friends who serve as my primary motivation and encouragement. They’re the ones who’ve stuck with me for the long haul. For whatever reason, they’ve taken a keen interest in my pursuits and ask me every once in awhile, “when my next blog will begin.” It’s always funny when they bring up past tales: “remember that time you almost lost your job in Yellowstone?” (trespassing on a trail closed for bear activity), “what was the name of that pastry-shop that housed the Lady Gaga cake statue?, or ”I ran in the Tiergarten too! Beautiful place.” 

So, here goes nothing. Or maybe it’s something. I don’t know. 


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